
couch potato 成天看電視的人。


Steve bird and his colleagues in the department of sport and exercise science at canterbury christ church university college in kent reached these conclusions after putting 56 couch potatoes through an l8 - week course of daily walks 坎特伯雷基督堂大學學院體育與運動科學系的史蒂夫?伯德及其同事是在讓56個電視迷參加為期18周的日常步行鍛煉后得出上述結論的。

The merriam - webster collegiate dictionary . mouse potatoes joined couch potatoes , google officially became a verb and drama queens finally found the limelight when they crossed over from popular culture to mainstream english language 網蟲跟couch potato電視蟲走到一起google正式成為一個動詞drama queen小題大做大驚小怪的人終于得到關注。

Mouse potatoes and google go mainstream mouse potatoes joined couch potatoes , google officially became a verb and drama queens finally found the limelight when they crossed over from popular culture to mainstream english language 網蟲跟couch potato電視蟲走到一起google正式成為一個動詞drama queen小題大做大驚小怪的人終于得到關注。

Monday , jan . 28 ( healthday news ) - - people who are physically active in their free time may be biologically younger than couch potatoes , a new british study suggests 星期一, 1月28日(健康日新聞) ? ?英國一項最新研究表明,和沙發土豆(指成日坐在沙發上看電視不愛運動的人? ?譯者注)相比,那些在業余時間積極運動的人更顯年輕。

Its more comfortable to be a noble being , to be a wiser being , than just always being ignorant , sluggish , slow , lazy and a couch potato just lying there and waiting for things to happen 因為那樣比較舒服!當一個高雅有智慧的眾生,比當一個無明遲鈍散漫懶洋洋的電視迷舒服多了,那些人只是躺在那邊等著事情發生。

Mouse potatoes joined couch potatoes , google officially became a verb and drama queens finally found the limelight when they crossed over from popular culture to mainstream english language 網蟲跟couch potato電視蟲走到一起google正式成為一個動詞drama queen小題大做大驚小怪的人終于得到關注。

This union is somewhat dull in other areas of life . you will have a tendency to grow fat together . visualize two couch potatoes eating in front of the television 金牛金牛:這對情侶檔在生活的某些方面有些無聊。金牛座的你有急增脂肪的趨勢,可以想像2個電視迷坐在電視前狠吃猛喝是多么的可怕吧。

Couch potato … more kids are living on fast food diets children are getting so fat they may be the first generation to die before their parents , an expert claimed yesterday 現在的孩子們正變得越來越胖,以至于他們可能成為先他們父母而去的第一代。這是一位專家昨天所發表的觀點。

First they must make the circuitry and software simple and reliable enough that couch potatoes can control them from a handheld remote while half - asleep 首先,他們必須讓電路與軟體保持單純,并且可信賴,好讓攤在沙發上的使用者即使兩眼惺忪,也能靠著手上的搖控器控制機器。

Sally : come on ! you need this . you ' ve been sitting at home like a couch potato ever since you broke up with your girlfriend . you need to get back out there 別這樣,這是你需要的。自從你和女朋友分開之后,你就一直成天臥在家里的沙發上。你要離開那樣的生活!

“ i can ' t be a couch potato when i have examinations to think about , ” mildred said , “ i must turn the television off and study “一想到考試,我就不能做‘沙發馬鈴薯’了, ”米爾麗德說, “我必須關掉電視機而去學習! ”

Rules for the couch potato honor as stipulated by guinness allow for a 5 - minute break every hour and a 15 - minute break every 8 hours 按照吉尼斯世界紀錄方面的規定,參加者每小時可以休息5分鐘每8小時可以休息15分鐘。

For example , someone who likes to spend a lot of time sitting or lying down while watching television , is sometimes called a couch potato 例如,有人喜歡花很多時間坐在或躺著看電視,有時又稱為沙發馬鈴薯。

Every night when i got back home , i do a quick shower and quick dinner … and most of time , i ' m as a couch potato in front of tv 我每晚回家,洗個戰斗澡又吃了快速餐,然后大多時間,我都坐在電視機前看電視的

I know that being a couch potato looks like i am lazy but pushing all of those buttons is actually hard work 我知道總躺在沙發上看電視使我看起來很懶惰,可是按所有那些按紐實際上也很辛苦。

A couch potato is someone who watches lots ( some would say too much ! ) of television “沙發馬鈴薯” 。它不是馬鈴薯的變種,而是現代社會里的產物,指浪費太多時間看電視的人。

He is happy just to spend time with his human family and be a couch potato 那時只要只要和他的人類家庭呆在一起他就會覺得很快樂,而且也會終日懶散,無所事事。

My girlfriend is such a couch potato - she will watch anything on tv no matter how bad it is 我的女朋友真是個電視迷,電視上播放什么她都看,不管節目多糟糕。

Nancy said to her husband , “ joe , get up and do something . don ' t become a couch potato 南茜對她丈夫說:喬,站起來做點事!別變成“躺在沙發上的馬鈴薯了” 。